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Welcome to Claiming No Man's Land.

My name is Kyle (I just go by K. William Huitt around the internet to put some distance between my professional and personal work in search results), and this is my personal blog.


The name of this blog is inspired by the reality that caring about things like intellectual and moral virtues is a quick pass to upsetting everybody from all political, religious, and cultural “sides.”


I believe in human dignity, self-government, natural law (Thomistic, not Stoic – it matters), and the common good. I also believe in rigorous methodology, intellectual virtue, and a sincere attempt to engage with ideas in their strongest form whether you agree with them or not.


I am increasingly convinced that comment sections are the most useless things of all time, so I do not have one here. If you are the sort of person who is convinced that I do not have a comment section because I am “afraid to hear different opinions,” then you are precisely the sort of person I intend to feel excluded from my target audience.


I am, of course, happy to receive feedback. Feel free to reach out with suggestions, criticisms, or ideas for guest posts by using the contact page.


A huge thank you to Tim Warford for drawing my logo! Be sure to check out his blog, Hazy Mondays.

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