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Charity, Welfare, and the Common Good

Charity, Welfare, and the Common Good

Subscribe Reading Time: 4 minutes Every society has people who, for some reason or another, are not in a position to provide for themselves, and there is a lot of controversy about how exactly a society should try to help those people. (N.B. This is not about...
Liberalism for Dummies

Liberalism for Dummies

Subscribe Reading Time: 3 minutes Modern liberalism takes on so many shapes and ideologies that it’s hard to pin down what exactly it is, but its main roots trace back to progressivism. How progressivism changed from FDR’s brand to the post-1960’s...
Conservatism for Dummies

Conservatism for Dummies

Subscribe Reading Time: 3 minutes The word “conservative” currently means anything from “classical liberal” to “backwoods hick.” Most self-identified conservatives take conservatism to be composed of support of small government,...
Feelings Don’t Care About Facts

Feelings Don’t Care About Facts

Subscribe Reading Time: 2 minutes “Facts don’t care about your feelings” is currently the mantra of lib-owners everywhere. There are two problems with the phrase as it has come to be used, though. The first problem is that it has become a rallying...
We Should All Be Wrong More Often

We Should All Be Wrong More Often

Subscribe Reading Time: 3 minutes People seem more willing to change their minds about color palettes for their living room than they are willing to change their political opinions. One of those things is a simple matter of taste, the other requires background...

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